For the past couple of years now we’ve been hosting and producing ongoing series of webcasts to help providers navigate the health IT landscape. Our first series, MU Live!, was incredibly successful as our followers tuned in each week to learn something about meaningful use. Next up was the launch of HIPAA Chat, our monthly webcast where we spend an hour taking and answering questions from our audience on topics related to HIPAA compliance and security. And almost a year ago after MACRA passed shepherding in the Merit Based Incentive Payment System program (MIPS), we launched the ABCs of MIPS with the experts at SA Ignite.
Many of our past webcasts are available on demand on our Internet radio station site,, and as YouTube videos.
[tweet_box design=”default” float=”right” width=”40%”]Deven McGraw of @HHSGov will discuss #cybersecurity, #HIPAA Compliance on Healthcare De Jure, hosted by @Matt_R_Fisher #HCdeJure[/tweet_box]
Now we bring you Healthcare De Jure, our latest series serving up the hottest healthcare issues of the day. Hosting the show is attorney Matt Fisher. Twice a month Matt and his guests will discuss a smorgasbord of topics, giving hospitals, physicians, vendors and patients a seat at the table.
On our debut webcast tomorrow at 2 pm Eastern, Matt will chat with Deven McGraw, Deputy Director for Health Information Privacy of HHS Office of Civil Rights. HIPAA compliance and cybersecurity have received even more focus in healthcare in light of recent guidance, the commencement of OCR’s new audit protocol and attacks on the industry. The discussion with Deven McGraw will likely hit upon all of these topics and more.
You can follow the conversation on Twitter using hashtag #HCdeJure and/or follow Matt @Matt_R_Fisher.
Click to register to attend this event.
Also, here is a line up of upcoming shows:
- May 10: Robert Rowley, MD and David Harlow of Flow Health discussing use of Artificial Intelligence in patient engagement and care coordination – Register to Attend
- June 7: John Halamka, MD, MS, CIO of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center discussing achieving Interoperability – Register to Attend
- June 21: Tamara St. Claire, Chief Innovation Officer at Xerox Healthcare. – Register to Attend
- July 12: The voice of patient advocacy, Regina Holiday – Register to Attend
- July 26: Lucia Savage, J.D., Chief Privacy Officer at Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, Department of Health & Human Services – Register to Attend.
Look for future Healthcare De Jure webcasts discussing healthcare and politics as we make our way to the November election.
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All of our webcast series are sponsored with each event averaging 300+ registrants. If you’re a company interested in learning more on how to sponsor one of our webinar series email:[/content_box]