Health Information Exchange (HIE) is happening every minute of every day. Your personal health information is moving and being viewed to improve the quality of your healthcare and lower the costs. The job will not be complete until all health records are digital and interoperable. Here’s what’s happening to make that reality.
4medica Joins Massachusetts Health Data Consortium
4medica announced that it has joined the Massachusetts Health Data Consortium (MHDC) (@mahealthdata), one of the most active non-profits in the nation dedicated to leveraging data and technology to improve health outcomes. 4medica joins the association as an executive member whose expertise in clinical data integration, along with large-scale, accurate patient identity matching, will be of particular value for MHDC’s focus on speeding the exchange and sharing of data between providers and payers in 2018.
MedyMatch Continues to Deploy Intelligence-Based Clinical Decision Support Technology Across the Healthcare Industry
MedyMatch Technology (@MedyMatch) announced its third industry engagement to bring MedyMatch’s A.I.-based clinical decision support application to imaging experts working in hospital emergency rooms and other acute care settings. Working with GE Healthcare, MedyMatch will integrate the intracranial hemorrhage detection platform into GE’s CT imaging solutions. The goal of the initial application is to augment clinicians in their assessment of patients suspected of acute head trauma or stroke, where intracranial hemorrhage is suspected.
PCHAlliance Publishes Policy Priorities for Connected Health Tech
The Personal Connected Health Alliance (PCHAlliance) (@PCHAlliance) announced publication of the key policy themes and issues related to the use and advancement of personal connected health technologies in the United States, Europe, and other regions of the world. Personal Connected Health Global Policy Priorities outlines the main policy opportunities and challenges facing personal connected health today, and offers insights into future actions for engagement in policy and advocacy.
KaMMCO Health Solutions to Deliver Statewide Health Information Exchange, Analytics, and Patient Engagement Tools in Seven States
Physicians and healthcare professionals nationwide are in the midst of unparalleled industry transformation. Successful adoption of the new performance-based delivery and payment models will rely heavily upon EHR interoperability and development of actionable intelligence through analytics. KaMMCO Health Solutions (@KS_KHS) is now working to deliver a suite of interoperability and analytics products and services in partnership with medical societies in six states beyond Kansas, including Georgia, South Carolina, Connecticut, New Jersey, Missouri, and Louisiana.
News from the Sequoia Project
The Sequoia Project (@SequoiaProject) was chartered to advance the implementation of secure, interoperable nationwide health information exchange. The ONC transitioned management of its eHealth Exchange to The Sequoia Project for maintenance. Since 2012, the Exchange has grown to become the largest health information exchange network in the country.
News from the CommonWell
CommonWell Health Alliance (@CommonWell) is devoted to the simple vision that health data should be available to individuals and providers regardless of where care occurs. Additionally, provider access to this data must be built-in health IT at a reasonable cost for use by a broad range of health care providers and the people they serve.
New General Member Announcements: Welcoming New Members, Deployment Strategies Key Themes at the 2017 CommonWell Annual General Meeting and Fall Summit.
News from the Strategic Health Information Exchange Collaborative
SHIEC (@SHIEClive) is the National Trade Association for Health Information Exchange Organizations. It is routine for important data about patients’ ongoing care to reside in multiple unconnected organizations. SHIEC member HIEs use information technology and trusted relationships in their service areas to enable secure, authorized exchange of patient information among disparate providers. By providing enhanced access to all available and relevant patient data SHIEC HIE members aim to improve the quality, coordination, and cost-effectiveness of health care provided in their communities. Read their news feed.
- How an HIE Aided in Recovery from a Ransomware Attack
- HIE Partnership Targets Health Data Exchange, Population Health
- Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement and the Strategic Health Information Exchange Collaborative Announce Strategic Partnership
ONC Interoperability Pledge
Companies that provide 90 percent of electronic health records used by hospitals nationwide as well as the top five largest health care systems in the country have agreed to implement three core commitments: Consumer Access, No Blocking/Ensuring Transparency, and Standards. The ONC (@ONC_HealthIT) wants vendors to sign a pledge. Is your vendor pledging? Find out who is on the list.
eHealth Initiative Resource Center
Interoperability Files – Check out the new white paper resource in the eHealth Initiative’s (@eHealthDC) Resource Center: Creating a Continuum of Seamless Care in Heart Health.