Health Information Exchange News & Announcements
Health Information Exchange (HIE) is happening every minute of every day. Your personal health information is moving and being viewed to improve the quality of your healthcare and lower the costs. The job will not be complete until all health records are digital and interoperable. Here’s what’s happening to make that reality.
The Bronx RHIO Selects DataMotion to Provide Direct Secure Messaging Services
DataMotion™ (@DataMotion)– an experienced health information service provider (HISP) with the industry’s leading record of customer deployments and Meaningful Use Stage 2 (MU2) attestations – announced an agreement with The Bronx Regional Health Information Organization (Bronx RHIO, based in New York City) to provide Direct messaging capabilities to its affiliated healthcare organizations. SBH Health System and the Visiting Nurse Service of New York (VNSNY) are among the first to take advantage of the new service.
McKesson Achieves CAQH CORE III Certification
McKesson Payer Connectivity ServicesTM, a HIPAA-enabled EDI gateway for health plans, announced it has earned a CAQH® Committee on Operating Rules for Information Exchange (CORE®) Vendor Phase III Certification Seal. This certification furthers efficiency in healthcare by helping health plans stay compliant with federal regulations while maintaining communication with providers, which is critical to successful care and payment coordination. McKesson (@McKesson_MHS) is one of only 15 organizations across America to achieve CORE III certification.
New Hampshire Senate Bill 229 Expands the Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information to Better Support Care Coordination
The New Hampshire Health Information Organization (NHHIO), a non-profit created by New Hampshire legislation, securely connecting healthcare communities to share patient health information needed for informed care decisions, announced that New Hampshire Senate Bill 229 title: an act relative to the use and disclosure of protected health information (PHI), is now in effect in the granite state. This bill expands the availability of the network to a larger group of care providers, and helps increase the protections for patient information as it is shared between healthcare providers. Now, care coordinators, clinical support staff and other members of the care team can utilize the NHHIO to securely share health information with the provider community, helping to improve disease management and efficient care coordination. The legislation went into effect September 9, 2014.
City of Longmont Aims to Reduce Unnecessary ER Visits Through Primary Care Intervention and HIE
The Longmont Community Health Network is a community-based health collaborative between the City of Longmont, Longmont United Hospital, Mental Health Partners, five health clinics, Boulder County Public Health and other providers in the area. They recently received a grant from the Colorado Health Foundation to improve care for patients in the community who are having a difficult time managing their health conditions. Often these patients rely on the emergency department for care, when their primary care physician would be a better option.
Boulder Medical Center Joins CORHIO Health Information Exchange, Enhancing Care Coordination for Area Patients
More than 70 providers at the Boulder Medical Center, a multispecialty group that also operates an urgent care clinic, are now using health information exchange, in addition to an advanced electronic medical record system, to coordinate care for more than 200,000 annual patient visits. Through CORHIO’s secure electronic network, Boulder Medical Center doctors are now receiving laboratory results from hospitals and labs around the state without having to wait for faxes or other paper-based methods of communication. This is reducing patient wait times, helping doctors make faster and more accurate clinical decisions, and saving staff time previously spent tracking down patients’ medical records. Read the press release.
GaHIN Connects GeorgiaDirect to National DirectTrust Community
Georgia Health Information Network (GaHIN), the statewide health information exchange network that electronically connects Georgia hospitals, physicians and clinicians to safely and securely exchange patient health information, announced an upgrade to its GeorgiaDirect product to include access to the DirectTrust Community. GeorgiaDirect now connects with a national network of providers and facilities—all members of the DirectTrust Community—that have agreed to adhere to specific policies to ensure the secure exchange of clinical data. This secure messaging system allows providers to easily exchange clinical information about patients who may be traveling, relocating to another area of the country or requiring medical care within Georgia’s borders.
Surescripts Connects Nearly 1,000 Hospitals, Drives Interoperability and Health Information Exchange Nationwide
Surescripts (@Surescripts), the nation’s largest health information network, is experiencing considerable growth in the adoption of broad health information exchange in 2014. With the addition of nearly 100 major health systems to the Surescripts network this year, Surescripts clinical messaging capabilities are now utilized by more than 2,000 provider organizations, including 130 health systems representing 971 hospitals and more than 18 percent of all staffed beds1 in the country, as well as 23 health information exchanges (HIEs) and health information service providers (HISPs). Read press release.