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Healthcare de Jure
Weekdays 2pm, 10pm, and 6am ET, hear host and attorney Matt Fisher (@Matt_R_Fisher) serve up the hottest healthcare issues of the day, all from a legal point of view.
Matt chats with Jitin Asnaani (@jitin), Executive Director Commonwell Health Alliance (@CommonWell), about Interoperability and the Future of Health IT.
This Just In
Weekdays at 6:30 am, 2:30 pm and 10:30 pm ET hear host Justin Barnes, aka the @HITAdvisor and his guests shed light on the latest trends, strategy and innovations impacting healthcare, technology and even entrepreneurialism in America.
Justin talks with Terry Macaleer, new President @OrionHealth – US Market, about Orion’s place in healthcare today, value based care, precision medicine and more.
Panel Discussion: The Current and Future State of Interoperability
July’s event brought leading Health IT thought leaders to the table to discuss both the challenges and the opportunities interoperability presents, and offer their thoughts on what the next year will bring. The Panel Discussion was moderated by David Harlow (@healthblawg), JD MPH.
- Michael Matthews, President and Chair of the Board of The Sequoia Project and Senior Engagement Director for the CedarBridge Group
- Mark Frisse, MD, MS, MBA, Vice Chair of Business Development, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Vanderbilt University
- Dave Bennett, Executive Vice President, Product and Strategy, Orion Health
Tune in to Harlow on Healthcare weekdays at 8:30am, 4:30pm and 12:30 am ETÂ to hear healthcare attorney and award-winning blogger David Harlow and his guests discuss the critical issues shaping the future of health IT and healthcare at large.