Of far, far greater importance was the NFL’s on-field commitment to support National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Seeing the uniforms, gear, footballs, whistles, wristbands and more all sporting the iconic pink ribbon was truly inspiring. Even the goal posts were wrapped in pink.
The NFL and NFL Players Association has a history of supporting this cause. It seems like such a small thing for HITECH Answers to put this image on our site compared to the magnitude of the NFL’s efforts. So we thought why not ask others to make the same small gesture we’ve made. Â A lot of very small gestures can add up to one big impact, right?
For the month of October we’re asking you to display the pink ribbon emblem on your home page. The image we use can be copied and clicks through to the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure donation page url:  http://ww5.komen.org/donate/donate.html.  But you can use any logos out there or click here to download the standard pink ribbon logo.
Once you’ve added this image, e-mail me at carol@hitechanswers.com the link to your site. At the end of the month, HITECH Answers will donate $10 for each site proudly supporting this cause, up to $1000.
Like millions of others, we’ve had people close to us struck with this disease. Some have overcome the struggle; more have not. From the Susan G. Komen site:  “Imagine life without breast cancer—where your mother, daughter, sister or friend doesn’t have to worry if she will be the one-in-eight women diagnosed with the disease.”
Help us spread the word.