National Health IT Week Mid-Week Round-up

National Health IT WeekKeep Your Finger on the Pulse of NHITWeek

By Joy Rios, Managing Partner at Practice Transformation
Twitter: @askjoyrios

In the sage words of a true American hero, Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and take a look around for awhile, you could miss it.” The same is true for National Health IT Week.

Here’s a mid-week round-up of the fast-paced world of Health IT.


The Flex-IT Act will provide the flexibility providers need while ensuring that the goal of upgrading their technologies is still being managed. I’m excited to introduce this important bill and look forward to it quickly moving on to a vote.” — Congresswoman Renee Ellmers

Infographics galore:

#HIT Conversations:

Light Reading:

All I Want for Health IT Week is an EHR Overhaul

Patient empowerment is a living, breathing, evolving thing. It looks different for each of us, and it can change with time and by disease and severity”

The American Medical Association asked the Obama administration to abandon its “all or nothing approach” requiring Medicare providers to go digital or be penalized.

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT has appointed Lana Moriarty to be the new head of its Consumer eHealth division.
