And My Interview with Eric Dishman
August 20th of every year is designated to celebrating the invention of the radio and its importance to mass communication. While not a nationally sanctioned day this industry promoted holiday was created to bring attention to local radio stations and personalities. In 1892 Nikola Tesla’s experiments successfully with transmission of radio frequency energy and proposes its use for telecommunication. Then in 1895 Guglielmo Marconi built a wireless system that transmitted long distance signals. One hundred years later in 1996, the birth of the first Internet radio station. Take the historical journey from Tesla to Turntable.FM in this history of radio infographic by Sonos.
Our Internet radio station, debuted in February, 2012 and programming focuses on health IT. You can listen 24 hours a day hearing a popular mix of talk shows, conference speeches, and recorded educational events. Between shows you will hear short audio interviews at industry conferences and Health Matters PSAs from the National Institute of Health. We started the station to have a platform for our radio show MU Live! where we interview some of the biggest thought leaders in our industry. One year ago on August 21, 2013 I interviewed Eric Dishman, Intel Fellow and Social Scientist. I wrote about my anticipation of interviewing him in Innovative Technologies to Improve Healthcare. At the time of our interview Eric was battling a rare kidney disease and on a waiting list for a transplant.
In September Eric received a kidney from an Intel coworker he didn’t even know. He is back to work and back on the speaking circuit. And what better topic to discuss than care coordination, what he says saved his life. Watch Eric’s return to TEDtalks in another unforgettable presentation, Health care should be a team sport. You will hear him share his personal story, see him perform an ultrasound right on stage of his new kidney while telecommuting with his doctor, and introduce the woman who stepped forward and donated her kidney to a complete stranger.
This radio day I encourage you to Rediscover Radio and tune in to hear some of the amazing people discussing health IT and its adoption. And download my interview with Eric on MU Live! It is my most memorable radio moment. And I am delighted to be able to report one year later such great news on Eric.