Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) released the revamped version of the Health IT Strategic Plan 2015-2020. This is the new blueprint to improve the health IT infrastructure to help transform health care delivery, improve individual and community health and support a responsive, evolving health IT ecosystem that puts individuals at the center of care. The final Plan represents the collective strategy of more than 35 federal offices that use or influence the use of health information technology (health IT). The Plan’s work aims to improve the health IT infrastructure.
An ONC press briefing was held with representatives from the ONC includking, National Coordinator Karen B. DeSalvo, MD, MPH, MSc, Senior Strategy Advisor, Office of Policy Gretchen Wyatt, Senior Analyst, Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Analysis Matthew Swain. Wyatt said the changes represent a shift to a “learning health system vs learning healthcare system.” Dr. DeSalvo answered the question of what is the policy shift and changes incorporated in the new plan with three priority shifts shifts.
- Person Centered from EHRs and systems. How can these systems make a difference in people’s lives?
- Incorporating all healthcare deliverers beyond those in the MU program participants.
- Include more agencies of government partnering with these other agencies that are delivering healthcare.
Vision of the Plan
High-qulity care, lower costs, healthy population, and engaged people.
Mission of the Plan
Improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities through the use of technology and health information that is accessible when and where it matters most.
Goals of the Plan
- Advance Person-Centered and Self-Managed Health
- Transform Health Care Delivery and Community Health
- Foster Research, Scientific Knowledge and Innovation
- Enhance Nation’s Health IT Infrastructure
Industry quickly applauds ONC and their efforts in the Plan. Read their statements.
- CHIME – (@CIOCHIME) – Statement from Charles Christian, CHIME Board of Trustees chair, and Russell Branzell, CHIME president and CEO
- National Partnership for Women and Families – (@NPWF) – Women’s Health Leader Commends Federal Health IT Strategic Plan For Emphasizing Patient and Family Engagement
- Premier Inc. – (@PremierHA) Premier statement on release of the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan