ONC Extends Comment Period for Strategic Plan
The ONC has extended the comment period for the Strategic Plan through Friday, May 6, 2011. It appears that there has been numerous comments from all stakeholders and the ONC wants more. Everyone has much at stake in the next four years and mapping the roads to take are the keys to success. Cautioning on the side of getting it right can only be a good thing. The 2008 Strategic Plan is being updated to include the impacts of both the HITECH Act and the Affordable Care Act. Below are recommended reads to get you up to speed.
Read the Strategic Plan Overview.
Read the current recommended Plan which ONC is seeking comments.
CHIME, the largest organization of Health Information Management Executives, has submitted comments. While supporting the plan’s goals they also state changes they feel would help increase the widespread of EHR adoption. Read Healthcare IT News, CHIME seeks changes to ONC Strategic Plan.
Here is David Perera’s take away on the Plan in his article from FierceGovernmentIT, “Big data will transform healthcare, says ONC“.