ONC Launching New S&I Framework Initiative – Health eDecisions
Call for Participation is today at 4:00 pm Eastern
ONC has announced the launch of there new S&I Framework Initiative, Health eDecisions. According to the ONC, this initiative “will address standards for the ability to exchange clinical decision support interventions”. Health eDecisions will operate as part of the ONC Standards & Interoperability Framework.
The official launch starts today at 4:00 Eastern. Details for participation through web meeting access and call in information can be found here on the ONC Health eDecisions wiki page.
According to the ONC “There is still a gap between the work to date and the practical goal of producing updatable, findable, distributable, maintainable CDS interventions that can be widely used and shared (or sold) by EHR vendors, knowledge vendors, providers, and quality program leaders. When a standard format for sharable CDS is agreed upon, it will be much easier for EHR vendors and others to be comfortable building it into their systems, and thus it will be more likely that such a sharable CDS structure is actually used by care providers. It is the intent of this new ONC effort to assemble input from leading technical contributors toward the establishment of a standard format for CDS interventions.”
ONC is also looking for volunteers to participate in this Health eDecision Initiative. You can learn more about volunteering here.