Code Red: Helping You Over the Hurdles of ICD-10
Physicians EHR is a consulting firm with a deep background in the health IT and EHR adoption space. The company works with a number of national health IT and compliance organizations as well as numerous medical societies. On Wednesday, March 27, the company will host a free webinar for providers on best practices for transitioning to ICD-10.
Event Description: With a list of priorities a mile long, it seems easy to shove ICD-10 preparation to the bottom of your list, along with the hope that the October 2014 deadline will again be pushed back by HHS. The reality, however, is that this day will eventually arrive, and your organization needs to be ready. Avoid costly last-minute decisions, panicked staff, and a lot of undue stress by beginning your transition plan now, when time is still on your side.
Date and Time: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm MDT
Speakers: Stanley Nachimson and Kay Gooding
Learning Objectives:
• ICD-10 101: The basics behind this mandate
• Building a comprehensive and effective ICD-10 transition plan
• How to prepare your clinical and administrative staff
• Avoiding ICD-10 preparation pitfalls
Registration Information: Visit for more information or register here.