The alphabet soup of acronyms in the world Artificial Intelligence. What are they? What do they mean? What is the difference between them? This is our ongoing reporting on AI and how it is being integrated into healthcare technology. We are seeking out the thought leaders and innovations that are moving the needle forward using artificial intelligence. Read more posts on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare.
To Listen
Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist talks to Dr. Eric Topol on the future of digital health in context of AI and all the data.
To Read
Finding patients like me, by Dr. Kevin Ross – From the Orion blog – Presented at the 12th International Symposium for Medical Information and Communication Technology in Sydney, research on a comprehensive concept of many inputs to many outputs. It aims to apply a more holistic approach to EHR data and explore deep learning of an entire EHR to find patterns and combinations of risk factors.
In the News
US News & World Report Education Rankings are out
Artificial intelligence is an evolving field that requires broad training, so courses typically involve principles of computer science, cognitive psychology and engineering. They have ranked the top 20 graduate programs in AI. Carnegie Mellon University, MIT, and Stanford top the list.
New Group Promotes Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Automation in Healthcare
Antiquated approaches and resistance to change hampers patient access to quality care and inflates costs according to a new organization promoting the use of artificial intelligence and related technologies in healthcare. The Partnership for Artificial Intelligence and Automation in Healthcare (PATH) (@P_A_T_H_HEALTH) unites health systems, industry, payers and regulators to find how such technology can improve the delivery of medicine, reduce costs and expand access to healthcare services to millions of people across the globe. Read the press release.
NTT DATA Expands Advanced AI Capabilities for Healthcare with Distribution Partnership for Imaging Insights Service
NTT DATA Services (@NTTDATAServices) announced its partnership with DataFirst, Inc. to allow for seamless patient data sharing between platforms, which will expand its Imaging Insights service and AI capabilities.
AI Solve: Healthcare – Webcast Replay
Recorded March 21, 2018 at UCSF in SanFrancisco
View the recording
AI is already beginning to shape the healthcare industry, Intel brought together some of the leading minds in the space. At the event called Intel SOLVE: Healthcare, in San Francisco, Intel brought together researchers from Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, GE Healthcare, Optum, Mayo Clinic, The MIT/Harvard Broad Institute and more to talk about the work they are doing with AI.
The Basics and Resources
From the leading text book around the world, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach.
Artificial Intelligence is composed of six different disciplines:
- Natural Language Processing to enable it to communicate successfully in English
- Knowledge Representation to store what it knows or hears
- Automated Reasoning to use the stored information to answer questions and to draw new conclusions
- Machine Learning to adapt to new circumstances and to detect and extrapolate patterns
- Computer Vision to perceive objects
- Robotics to manipulate objects and move about
To build a generally intelligent agent, you need machine learning in addition to the other aspects mentioned above.
Machine Learning is roughly the science of prediction. Given certain knowns (features), you wish to predict some unknowns (targets). The unknown could be structured (e.g. numeric) or unstructured (e.g. a string response).
Deep Learning is a sub field of machine learning where concepts are learned hierarchically. The simplest concepts emerge first, followed by more complicated concepts that build on the simpler ones. Usually, this leads to a simple layered hierarchy of concepts.
Optum Resource Library
Natural Language Processing: AI with an ROI
Health care providers need to see a return on any analytic investment they make. Natural language processing (NLP) is one way AI can help providers convert the potential within their health data into quality improvement and cost savings. Natural language processing is an AI technology that actually makes sense for health care.