Take the ACO Survey

Since 2013, eHealth Initiative and Premier have surveyed public and commercial accountable care organizations to better understand how ACOs are leveraging health information technology to achieve cost savings and quality improvement.

How Accountable is the Care Without Behavioral Health?

By Edmund Billings MD – I could understand completely if many behavioral health providers and facilities feel like the proverbial red headed stepchild. All this energy and money poured into improving healthcare through comprehensive information technology (IT) systems and behavioral health is left holding an empty basket.

EHR Patient Outcomes Just Got Real

By Rich Rutherford – Aligning incentive and quality programs with existing Accountable Care Organization (ACO) agreements is essential to improving patient outcomes and confidently negotiating private payer risk-based contracts. I started installing EHRs in 1999 with expected benefits of prescription legibility and reduced chart pulls.

Leading Consumer Groups Comment on Next Phase of Medicare Shared Savings Program

Leading consumer groups, led by the Campaign for Better Care (CBC), filed comments urging the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to prioritize ensuring that accountable care organizations (ACOs) participating in the next cycle of the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) deliver high-quality, high-value care, supports beneficiary choice and empowerment, and improves ready access to health services.

HHS Sets Goals for Shifting Medicare Reimbursements

HHS has announced measurable goals and a timeline to move the Medicare program toward paying providers based on the quality, rather than the quantity of care. This marks the first time HHS has set explicit goals for value-based payments.