
Revenue Cycle and Payer News 1-10-2018

Latest news being reported on payers and the health insurance industry including news from UnitedHealth Group, CVS Health, Aetna, Cigna Corporation, Humana and Axios. Also, news about the CVS/Aetna merger, ACA enrollment reports and the Trump administration’s proposed regulations.

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Back to the Future – CVS + AETNA

By David Barry – CVS’s acquisition of Aetna is a back to the future move. Decades ago, before the acronym PBM (Pharmacy Benefit Management), insurers contracted with individual pharmacies and offered members access to them at discounted rates. In so, the benefits (medical, dental, behavioral, and pharmacy) were packaged.

Revenue Cycle and Payer News 11-8-2017

Latest news being reported on payers and the health insurance industry including news from CVS Health, Aetna, Anthem, Inc., Humana, Cigna, AHIP and more. Reports and news about the House’s movement on the Children’s Health Insurance Program and insurance companies’ promotion of open enrollment for ACA.