Art Gross

The Rising Threat of Social Engineering Attacks in Healthcare

By Art Gross – Social engineering attacks involve manipulating individuals into divulging confidential information, providing unauthorized access, or executing actions that compromise the security of systems or data. Attackers exploit psychological and emotional factors to exploit employees’ trust and manipulate them into performing actions that put the organization’s sensitive information at risk.

Amazon Clinic and HIPAA

By Art Gross – The healthcare industry has witnessed the integration of technology into many different aspects of patient care and management. The Amazon online community has stepped into this domain with the introduction of Amazon Clinic.

Healthcare Security Violation

By Art Gross – A recent investigation by the OCR alleges that several security guards from Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital impermissibly accessed the medical records of 419 individuals. This incident highlights the importance of maintaining strict protocols and vigilant oversight.

Enhancing Healthcare With Increased Language Access

By Art Gross – Language barriers can pose significant challenges when it comes to delivering healthcare to limited English proficiency patients. Recognizing the importance of language access in healthcare settings, HHS releases a comprehensive report outlining strategies to improve language access services.

Enhancing Ransomware Defense

By Art Gross – Recent research conducted by Arete and Cyentia Institute sheds light on the ransomware landscape within the healthcare sector. The study reveals that healthcare organizations are more likely to pay ransoms than other industries.