artificial intelligence

8 Ways AI Will Transform The Future of Healthcare

By Palak Shah – The accelerating advances in AI have ignited a new era of innovation. Healthcare is a sector that stands to gain tremendously from this revolution. This article aims to explore eight specific ways AI will transform the future of healthcare, making it more efficient, personalized, and proactive.

Not Ready for Primetime

By Matt Fisher – Generative AI and large language models continue to garner a lot of press, attention, and investment in healthcare. The promise is that such tools will free up a lot of time by offloading some tasks or potentially filling roles that remain empty at this point in time.

Will AI Replace Humanity?

By Gil Bashe – There are plenty of reasons to fear ChatGPT and augmented intelligence (AI) — not so much today — but its potential to compete with human creativity in the future. Many justify its value. Others explain its dangers. This is a double-edged sword conversation — both points of view have merit.

Lessons About Clinical AI

By William Hersh MD – Our news and science feeds are so filled these days with everything artificial intelligence (AI), from large language models to their impacts on society, that we may miss important studies on other informatics topics, some of which may have lessons for AI.