
Friday at Five: Our Next Lists of Five

Is five a magic number that people will click on to find out what’s on the list? Is it just the right number you think you have the time to read? I don’t know but there are lots of lists out there with 5 things you should know. Here are some of our picks to know about.

HIMSS 2022 Booths to Visit

Heading to the HIMSS conference in Orlando this March? Add these booths to your trip to the exhibit hall. Say hi and tell them HealthIT Answers and Healthcare NOW Radio sent you. See you in Orlando!

Digital Transformation in 2022

There will be no stopping or slowing down to the innovation being driven by digital transformation. As tradition, we have rounded up the industry leaders that have thoughts and predictions for what we might see in the new year.

Why Healthcare CIOs Need Managed IT Services

By Peyman Zand – Achieving greater efficiency in day-to-day operations has a ripple effect across a health system — from reducing the cost of healthcare delivery to improving clinician experience as well as resulting in better outcomes and improving the patient experience.