MACRA News and Commentary

CMS released a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) for MACRA. Comments are due no later than 5 p.m. on June 27, 2016. You can submit or review comments on Until then, here is what is in the news along with more information, events, and commentary on the rule.

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CMS Approves Alpha II as a 2016 PQRS Registry

Alpha II, LLC, a leading developer of software platforms, software as a service and publications that support the healthcare revenue cycle, announced that it has been qualified by The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services as a Physician Quality Reporting System Registry for the 2016 PQRS program year.

CMS Monday Morning Rounds 4-25-16

CMS is reporting these events and information on payment issues concerning Medicare and Medicaid. News includes updates on IPPS and LTCH Proposed Rule , Medicare Advantage quality data, Next Generation ACO Model, and Open Payment Data.

CMS Monday Morning Rounds 4-11-16

CMS is reporting these events and information on payment issues concerning Medicare and Medicaid. News includes updates on eCQM library and eCQI resources, SNF Value-Based Purchasing Program, Medicare Shared Savings Program, and the Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule.