Dan Matthews

Health IT Issues that Deserve a Second Read – January 2022

One of the ways that Answers Media is different from other media sites is the sense of community. The thought leaders in our community are good about sharing their thoughts on the issues of today. We publish at least eight guest posts a week now, so in case you missed some, here are the top [...] Read More

Taking a Patient-Centered Approach to Healthcare Tech

By Dan Matthews – Medicine and technology have always gone hand-in-hand. This fact has perhaps never been more apparent today, with some of the most powerful and innovative technologies, from robotics to artificial intelligence to Big Data are proliferating in the modern healthcare industry to fight disease and save lives.

12 Days to Christmas – So Far!

ICYMI – We started our annual 12 Days to Christmas countdown posts. Our look back on 2021. From now through December 25th we’ll be featuring all of our favorite things that made this year so meaningful to us and health IT.

Transitioning a Healthcare Facility to a Wireless Network

By Dan Matthews – Although COVID-19 jumpstarted the digital shift in almost every industry, the transition failed to completely take hold in the field of healthcare. Whether because the healthcare industry had bigger fish to fry or because security concerns ran rampant, some healthcare facilities have yet to make the complete transition to a wireless network.

Exploring the Future of Healthcare IT

By Dan Matthews – Imagine a world in which healthcare is personalized to you based on your unique data and circumstances. Now imagine that the world can be brought into your own home to offer you the kind of healthcare treatments you need, all with the added benefit of artificial intelligence analysis and diagnostic tools.