Dr. Lee A. Fleisher

Transforming Medicare Coverage

From the CMS Blog – CMS is committed to fostering innovation while ensuring that people with Medicare have faster and more consistent access to emerging technologies that will improve health outcomes. As part of this commitment CMS announced a proposed Transitional Coverage for Emerging Technologies (TCET) pathway.

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The Transplant Eco-System

By Lee A. Fleisher MD, Jean D. Moody-Williams RN MPP, Jonathan Blum – CMS and HRSA are federal agencies within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that play important roles in protecting the health and safety of Americans as they engage with the U.S. healthcare system.

Medicare Coverage of Innovative Technologies (MCIT)

By Dr. Lee A. Fleisher – CMS is committed to ensuring people on Medicare have quicker access to innovative medical technologies for life-threatening or irreversibly debilitating diseases – like cancer and heart disease. In January 2021, we published a final rule called The Medicare Coverage of Innovative Technology and Definition of ‘Reasonable and Necessary’ (MCIT/R&N).