Friday at Five

Friday at Five – What Are Our Hosts Wearing?

Getting ready to exercise? How do you prepare? Do you put on a wearable to keep track of your workout? Or is your Fitbit or Apple Watch always on your wrist? We asked our HealthcareNow Radio show hosts what wearables do they use to keep track of their health and exercise activities and habits.

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Friday at Five – Our Telehealth Month Recap

Telehealth is the use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support and promote long-distance clinical health care, patient and professional health-related education, public health and health administration. This week’s Friday at Five recaps our month long concentration on telehealth.

Friday at Five: All About Telehealth

Check out HealthcareNOW Radio’s telehealth infographic. It highlights the top benefits, types of services, mechanisms for delivery, how payment works, and how COVID-19 has increased the demand for telehealth.

Friday at Five – All About Masks

Medical experts have now confirmed that wearing a mask or cloth face covering will help slow the spread of the coronavirus. We focus on the most important dos and don’ts and other relevant information about wearing a mask during the COVID-19 global pandemic.