Hayes Management Consulting

Secure Messaging: Why it Makes Your Job Easier and Your Patients Happier

By Angela Hunsberger – Over the past decade rapid changes in healthcare technology have caused a whirlwind of medical software adoption, and, in some cases, an overconsumption of ancillary products. Medical practices have implemented EHRs, patient portals, and secure messaging to participate in programs such as Meaningful Use and Patient Centered Medical Home certification.

What Closing the HIPAA Gaps Means for the Future of Healthcare Privacy

By Kirk J Nahra – By now, most people have felt the effects of the HIPAA Privacy Rule (from the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). HIPAA has set the primary standard for the privacy of healthcare information in the United States since the rule went into effect in 2003. It’s an important rule that creates significant baseline privacy protections for healthcare information across the country.

The Other Side of the Implementation Coin

By Rena Hrivnak – Implementation isn’t just about the new system, there’s also the process of taking the necessary steps to decommission legacy applications. The health system is in agreement that the application needs to be retired, but is unsure as to when and how the retirement process should begin.

4 Stumbling Blocks to Avoid in System Implementation

By Steven Botana – Every organization, at one time or another, goes through some type of system upgrade or implementation. Common practice is to develop a very detailed project plan. Unfortunately what may look like a well thought out plan on paper may not address the day-to-day issues that can often disrupt a thoughtful plan.

Post EHR Implementation – 5 Things You Need To Do

By Glenda Wickus – Electronic health record (EHR) implementation, planning, training, implementation, scheduling, optimization, planning, implementation, implementation! These concepts seem to be the only words we hear buzzing around our heads when we talk about EHRs. But what about post-live? There seems to be a scarcity of conversation once the initial shock has worn off and routines start emerging.