Hayes Management Consulting

Patient Portals: How to Balance Privacy and Engagement

By Angela Hunsberger – To meet Meaningful Use, you’ve either implemented a patient portal or plan to do so in the near future. Perhaps you’ve rolled out your portal with limited functionality but now plan to optimize the technology to increase both patient and staff engagement. Regardless of which stage of Meaningful Use you are in, you need to weigh the challenges of portal engagement and patient privacy.

Accessing and Managing Multiple Provider Portals

By Lisa Laravie – In the months following my hospitalization, I walked away with paperwork and access codes to five different patient portal sites, including my PCP, surgeon, the initial hospital where I received emergency treatment, the hospital where I had surgery, and in addition (not related to my injury) my OB/Gyn, and recently, my dentist!

3 Steps: Drive Your Compliance Checkup Using the OIG Work Plan

By Robert Freedman – According to a report to Congress, that’s the amount returned to Uncle Sam in FY2014 as a result of healthcare oversight and investigations conducted by the Office of Inspector General (OIG). Avoiding this type of negative impact to cash flow and the bottom line is a matter of revenue integrity and is a high priority to most healthcare organizations.

Keeping Employees Happy During System Implementations

By Kathryn Williamson – Implementing a new patient management system is a huge investment in terms of time and dollars. It can also be very stressful on all involved. Changes in the healthcare climate often contribute to an organization’s decision to implement a new system in an effort to meet current and future healthcare mandates.