health disparities

Monday Morning Rounds with CMS

In case you missed it, this is recent communication from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Subscribe to their email lists to keep up to date on all press and news releases.

Moving Forward Together: Addressing Health Equity

By Matt Fisher – Inequalities and disparities exist throughout society and industries, an issue that has become ever more apparent and spotlighted throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Focusing on healthcare, the inequities are impacting non-white patient populations and with each report found to exist across what appears to be every aspect of healthcare.

Response to NIH RIF

By William Hersh MD – In addition to its public health problems, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed other fault lines in society, not the least of which is systematic racism that still pervades American society. A more equitable society would ensure diversity and inclusion in all aspects of life, including in healthcare and in biomedical research.