Health IT Buzz

Health Interoperability Outcomes 2030

By Steven Posnack MS MHS – One of the fun parts about working at the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology is that in addition to our impactful, near-term work, we also have the chance to point our eyes to the horizon and envision a better future.

A Road Well Traveled – Sunsetting the Interoperability Roadmap

By Steven Posnack MS MHS – Over six years ago, ONC embarked with all of you on an ambitious initiative to create a shared, nationwide interoperability roadmap (the Roadmap). In typical fashion, we produced a draft, many of you shared your comments (about this time in 2015), and we released the final Roadmap in October, 2015.

Health IT Advances Precision Medicine

By Kevin Chaney, MGS, Teresa Zayas Cabán, PhD, Courtney C. Rogers, MPH, Joshua C. Denny MD MS & Jon White – Precision medicine creates treatment and prevention strategies that meet patient needs by considering individual variability in their genome, environment, and lifestyle.