Health IT Buzz

New Additions to the Health IT Playbook

By Thomas A. Mason MD – The ONC is releasing an updated version the Health IT Playbook, a tool to help clinical practices reduce the burden of EHRs and make the most of their health IT investment. The Playbook is an intuitive, easy to navigate…

Top Six Changes in the ISA 2020 Reference Edition

By Steven Posnack MS, MHS, & Brett Andriesen – Can you believe it’s already 2020? We may still be a few years away from flying cars, but we’ve made a lot of progress since 2010. The Interoperability Standards Advisory (ISA), too, has changed a lot since the first publication in 2015 –

Day 3: Great Guest Posters

It is day three of our 12 Days of Christmas Posts and we have chosen to highlight three of our top contributors whose articles are worth reading in case you missed them the first time or even revisiting for another read through.