Health IT Buzz

Becoming the ONC’s CHIO

By Michael J. McCoy – I have now been a Federal Employee for a couple of months, the first time since I mustered out of the Army in 1983. Having spent all of my professional life in areas other than the federal government, I had previously viewed government’s work with suspicion and skepticism.

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The Digital Consumer

By Michael A Wittie & Simone Myrie – Data rests at the heart of health IT’s capacity to help improve care quality and health outcomes: standards-based, interoperable electronic systems make it possible to access, share, use and re-use information that was once locked in paper charts kept by individual providers.

Health IT-Related Adverse Events

By Kathy Kenyon, JD – The ONC posted a final summary report on Health Information Technology Adverse Event Reporting: Analysis of Two Databases. Patient safety thrives in health care organizations where reporting of adverse events, including near misses and unsafe conditions, is encouraged.