Health IT Certification

What’s Happening at the ONC

Supporting the adoption of health IT and the promotion of nationwide health information exchange to improve health care, here is what is happening at the ONC, including the upcoming quarterly Health IT Certification Program Developer Roundtable, a new funding opportunity for LEAP in Health IT, and a new Data Brief.

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13 Areas to Improve Electronic Prior Authorization

By Alex Baker & Michael Wittie – In January 2022, ONC issued a Request for Information that sought public input on the ONC Health IT Certification Program and how it could incorporate standards, implementation specifications, and certification criteria related to electronic prior authorization.

A New Window into How Certified Health IT Is Being Used

By Michael Wittie & Jeff Smith – In section 3009A of the 21st Century Cures Act of 2016, Congress created the “Electronic Health Record Reporting Program” and required health IT developers participating in the ONC Health IT Certification Program to publicly report certain information about their certified health IT products consistent with a new “condition of maintaining certification.”