HHS Looking for Chief Health Informatics Officer

Talent Tuesday – Position in the Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Office of the Administrator developing requirements and content for health-related information technology with an initial focus on improving innovation and interoperability.

OIG Report: CMS Paid Practitioners for Telehealth Services That Did Not Meet Medicare Requirements

By Nathaniel M. Lacktman – The Office of Inspector General at the Department of HHS just published a new report on OIG’s review of Medicare payments for telehealth services. The objective of the OIG review was to determine whether or not CMS paid practitioners for telehealth services that met Medicare requirements.

Fulfilling a Promise: Big, Juicy HIPAA Fine

By Matt Fisher – The HHS Office for Civil Rights announced a $3.5 million settlement with Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. and five of its subsidiaries (collectively, Fresenius) following the report and investigation of five separate breach notifications.