HIPAA Compliance

Power in Data: Value Against Privacy

By Matt Fisher – Data are the new currency. That saying has become entrenched as a primary cliche describing the way of the world nowadays. The value of data has become especially true in healthcare. So many see opportunities to be extracted, but what about considerations of privacy and the impact on individuals?

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Vendors and HIPAA

By Matt Fisher – An important part of establishing strong security for an organization rests with how it interacts with its vendors. The creation of a chain of entities creating, interacting with, storing, or otherwise handling sensitive patient information starts at the top, but can easily and frequently go down many layers.

Is Your Head or Your Business in the Cloud?

By Art Gross – When you think of trends in healthcare, what comes to mind? Maybe it’s a particular EMR system, new machines in the office, ways in which you communicate with patients… the list goes on. One thing is for sure when we think about all the ways that healthcare has changed over the years; technology has been a driving force behind the possibilities that once seemed incomprehensible.

Applying HIPAA to Digital Health

By Matt Fisher – The aim of the recent Getting Back to Basics post was to re-establish the key fundamentals of how HIPAA operates. To summarize in a sentence, HIPAA applies to certain defined entities working or interacting with healthcare information related to an individual.