HIPAA Compliance

Know Your Risks: HIPAA Basics

By Matt Fisher – The HHS Office for Civil Rights announced another monetary penalty and settlement for the failure of an entity to fully or competently comply with HIPAA requirements. More particularly, the entity in question offers yet another example of the absence of a risk analysis.

You Received a Letter from OCR, Now What?

By Matt Fisher – At some point in time most group practices, hospitals or other provider organizations will receive a letter from the OCR. The letter will state that OCR received a complaint from a patient, employee or some other party with knowledge or information as to alleged acts at the healthcare organization.

HIPAA Compliance and the HITECH Act in 2018

By Kayla Matthews – HIPAA compliance is an essential part of running a medical practice. The current incarnation of the HIPAA regulations has been in place since 2003 and they haven’t changed much in the intervening years — until now, that is.