HIPAA Privacy Rule

A New Tracking Tech Wrinkle

By Matt Fisher – The latest volley in the tracking technology saga has now been sent up by the New York Attorney General. Specifically, the New York AG and New York Presbyterian, which is a large academic medical center system in New York, settled allegations about privacy violations stemming from NYP’s use of tracking tools.

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Even a Pandemic Doesn’t Stop HIPAA

By Matt Fisher – Maintaining and protecting privacy for patients and healthcare information is important and necessary at all times. The requirement for keeping privacy applies no matter the circumstances, which can mean in the middle of a pandemic. The most recent HIPAA settlement announced by the Office for Civil Rights provides that reminder.

Don’t Post That

By Matt Fisher – Social media and healthcare can be a productive combination, but not when patient information is involved. The power and reach of social media are nothing new, nor is the concern about the ready ability to spread misinformation.

Privacy vs. Security Rule

By Art Gross – When it comes to HIPAA compliance, it’s easy to feel as if you’re being pulled in a million different directions at once. In part, this could be due to the fact that there are 4 different rules that go into HIPAA: the Privacy Rule, the Security Rule, the Breach Notification Rule, and the Omnibus Rule.

Information Blocking Regulations Work in Concert with HIPAA Rules

By Rachel Nelson & Kathryn Marchesini – We often get asked about how ONC’s information blocking regulations and HHS’ Office for Civil Rights’ HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules interact with one another. To help clarify, ONC just released a few new information blocking FAQs that illustrate how the federal regulations interact.

Tracking Tools and Privacy Gaps

By Matt Fisher – You go to a website and begin looking around for a healthcare product. In the current times, that can mean searching for a prescription drug that is not permitted in certain states or trying to get easier access because going to a doctor’s office doesn’t fit in with a busy or really many regular schedules.