HIPAA Security Rule

You Received a Letter from OCR, Now What?

By Matt Fisher – At some point in time most group practices, hospitals or other provider organizations will receive a letter from the OCR. The letter will state that OCR received a complaint from a patient, employee or some other party with knowledge or information as to alleged acts at the healthcare organization.

HIPAA Certified: Not So Fast

By Matt Fisher – A healthcare organization compare a number of vendors, product features and gets close to choosing one. Just before making the ultimate decision, someone asks, what about HIPAA?

4 Tactics for Secure Clinical Communication and Collaboration

By Terry Edwards – At Becker’s Hospital Review Annual CIO/HIT + Revenue Cycle Summit I discussed the elements needed to truly secure clinical communications with some of the best minds in the healthcare world. With the recent high profile news stories on ransomware attacks in hospitals and health systems, security and the ability to secure clinical information is top of mind for many.

The 7 HIPAA Audit Items the Feds Selected

By Mike Semel – The Office for Civil Rights announced that the new permanent audit program has started. On July 11 letters were sent BY E-MAIL (check your junk mail folders!) to 167 health plans, health care providers, and health care clearing houses (all HIPAA Covered Entities) notifying them that they have to send in documentation for a ‘desk audit.’ They will have 10 days to send in the required materials for review.