Getting Back to Basics: A HIPAA Primer

By Matt Fisher – The constant discussions around the impact and operation of the regulations implementing the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA (yes, there are 2 A’s and only 1 P) as it is more commonly referred to, have made it an interesting time to be a healthcare attorney and one focused a lot on the operation of HIPAA.

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HIPAA & 18-Year-Old Patients

By Art Gross – As a parent, you might recall the first time that the doctor asked you to leave the room because your “baby is now a teenager”and they have a few questions for them that they would like to conduct one-on-one and in private.

No Vacation for HIPAA

By Art Gross – This summer many of us are taking long overdue vacations that were put on hold or delayed because of the pandemic. As healthcare workers, you are certainly due time off – especially after the brunt of COVID-19 was dealt with by your industry. While you’re checking out and hoping that you won’t have to check in with the office, be aware that HIPAA does not care if you’re in the office or out.

HIPAA Turns 25

By Art Gross – As the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), approaches the 25th anniversary of its enactment, we thought we’d look into the history of this game-changer in the healthcare industry.

Healthcare Under Attack

By Matt Fisher – Not a day can go by anymore without a report of at least one data breach (and likely more) or a cyber attack on a healthcare organization. The pace of attacks seemed to increase as the world shutdown in from COVID-19 and security concerns have only continued to increase.

Protecting Against The Threat of Ransomware

By Art Gross – Recently a memo went out from the White House and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency to industry leaders that emphasized the threat posed by ransomware within their businesses as well as emphasizing just how important it was to the current administration to prioritize the awareness.

It Isn’t Always Obvious

By Art Gross – Far too often, and in just about every industry, those of us who are “in it” assumes that certain aspects of what we know are obvious to the general public. For example, in healthcare, we know the basics of HIPAA and what information can and cannot be shared.

Where Do Our Data Go?

By Matt Fisher – Mobile applications in the health and wellness field represent an ever growing segment of the mobile application market. Interest in such apps is high as individuals seek to improve their own health and the availability of consumer wearable devices also becomes more common.

Modernizing HIPAA for the Current, Patient-Centered World

By Kristen Ballantine – The date is August 21, 1996. The Macarena is at the top of the Billboard Hot 100 Chart. The medical drama ER, in its second year running, is the number one rated television show in the U.S. Bill Clinton has nearly secured a second term in the White House. One of the most influential pieces of U.S. healthcare legislation is signed into law.