Deny Patient Access at Own Risk

By Matt Fisher – The Office for Civil Rights continues its recent attention to enforcing an individual’s right of access under HIPAA. The latest step is the concurrent announcement of five settlements with various entities for alleged failures to provide records upon request.

Is HIPAA Obsolete?

By Jay Eisenstock – In 2003, the health care industry scrambled to comply with the HIPAA Privacy Rule. This rule is composed of regulations for the use and disclosure of Protected Health Information in healthcare treatment, payment and operations by covered entities.

Data Access Rights: Following HIPAA Correctly

By Matt Fisher – How and when can data be shared in a manner that is compliant with HIPAA? The answer to those questions is a lot broader and more frequently than many might expect. However, the expectation of limited sharing is exactly the root cause for data blockage that frustrates many individuals.

Wish You Were Here!

By Art Gross – It’s always nice to get a postcard from friends or family who are away on vacation. But this week we learned of a new kind of postcard being sent out with not-so-well wishes. The HHS Office for Civil Rights is warning on fraudulent postcards to HIPAA Privacy and Security Officers.