The Real HIPAA: Care Coordination, Care Planning, and Case Management Examples

By Lucia Savage & Aja Brooks – Welcome to the third blog post in our series. Blog #2 discussed how HIPAA supports interoperability, and discussed definitions of Treatment and Health Care Operations-functions for which HIPAA supports electronic exchange of health information. This blog post gives additional practical examples of exchange for Treatment and exchange for Health Care Operations. Let’s jump right in.

HIPAA: Helping or Hurting?

By Matt Patterson MD – Much has changed in the years since HIPAA was first passed into law, not the least of which is the use of mobile technology in healthcare. As a physician, patient, and healthcare technology business leader, I have experienced numerous frustrations and inefficiencies resulting from practices struggling to adhere to the letter of the HIPAA law rather than embracing its spirit.

Cyber-awareness: New Education from OCR

By Matt Fisher – The OCR at the Department of Health and Human Services sent out an email on February 2, 2016 to announce the launch of a cyber-awareness for the healthcare industry. OCR recognizes the danger faced by healthcare from an array of bad actors and the need to spread information.

Privacy in Healthcare: A State of Confusion

By Matt Fisher – With the start of a new year, it seems like a good time to take stock of privacy of healthcare information, which is currently a very hot topic. As was discussed in great detail, 2015 saw a continuing explosion of breaches concerning healthcare information, which put both privacy and security in the limelight.