
Sticks, Not Carrots, Get Hospitals’ Attention

By David Burda – Two researchers — one from Georgetown, the other from Harvard — wanted to know how raising the fines for hospital noncompliance with the federal price transparency rules affected hospital compliance with the rules. The researchers defined compliance as posting a…

2024 Medicare Hospital IPPS and LTCH PPS Final Rule

On August 1, 2023, the CMS issued the fiscal year 2024 Medicare hospital inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS) and long-term care hospital prospective payment system (LTCH PPS) final rule. The final rule updates Medicare fee-for-service payment rates and policies for inpatient hospitals and LTCHs for FY 2024.

Hospitals Collect and Receive Social Needs Data, but Usage Varies

From The Health IT Buzz blog – If left unaddressed, the social needs experienced by an individual may lead to poor health outcomes and more time spent in hospitals and interacting with the health care system. Hospitals, therefore, are uniquely situated to help address social needs and mitigate social risk factors by screening for…

The Real Reason Hospitals Hate Physician-Owned Hospitals

By David Burda – Businesses in healthcare run like businesses in any other industry. It’s all about market leverage and who has the upper hand. When you have market leverage and the upper hand, you can charge more for your goods and services without feeling the competitive pressure to improve your goods and services.