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Open Secret: The Threat to Interoperability

By Jim Tate – The path to interoperability of healthcare data is proving to be a long and winding road. “The right data, at the right place, at the right time” has become the mantra. The emergence of TEFCA is the most recent and far-reaching effort to achieve cross platform access to healthcare data.

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Data Digitization Is Key to Healthcare Transformation

By Rahul Sharma – Healthcare is continuing to accelerate its path to value-based care models where pay-for-value programs are supplanting the traditional volume-based fee-for-service system. However, VBC is not a miracle payment model that can automatically transform a healthcare organization, never mind an entire industry.

Healthcare IT Takeaways as COVID-19 State of Emergency Ends

By Devin Partida – The COVID-19 public health and national emergency declarations will end on May 11, 2023. This marks the official end of the health emergency that began in January 2020. While this is good news, it also means some things are going to change regarding vaccine and testing availability.