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The Future of Femtech: 7 Trends to Watch in 2025

By Shereese Maynard – In healthcare innovation, few areas have grown as rapidly or impacted as profoundly as Femtech. With a focus on the unique needs of women, this dynamic field continues to pioneer solutions that improve outcomes, reduce disparities, and empower women to take charge of their health.

Medicare Advantage Poised for Growth – Unfazed by Market Shifts and Critic Concerns

By Cynthia Henry – As the healthcare industry adapts to economic and regulatory changes, Medicare Advantage stands out as a cost-effective model consistently delivering value to beneficiaries. Compared to traditional fee-for-service Medicare, MA excels in financial efficiency and quality outcomes, making it a resilient choice for enrollees and a strategic asset for payers.

The Future of Behavioral Health Delivery

By Dr. Tom Milam – A projected shortage of nearly 20k physicians by 2050 signals that traditional models of behavioral health care delivery no longer meet the expanding needs of the U.S. population. In fact, they create barriers to timely, affordable treatment for many Americans through extended wait times, high costs, and limited availability.