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Talent Tuesday: Safety Concerns are Keeping Healthcare Workers Home

By Dimitri Shelest – In October 2021, the San Leandro Hospital emergency room was locked down when a visitor, upset that COVID-19 restrictions prevented him from visiting a patient, threatened to bring a gun to the California healthcare facility. The incident is emblematic of a troubling trend of more frequent and severe violent episodes at healthcare facilities.

Reshaping Data Exchange

By Jonathan Shannon – The concept of interoperability in healthcare IT has had its fair share of challenges over the years. Compounding challenges around security, organizing the vast amount of data, and making such data available in a timely fashion has hampered the ability to meaningfully exchange such information in healthcare.

Addressing the Tortoise in the Oncology Clinic

By Robert E. Winkler MD – COVID-19 vaccines were developed extremely fast, approximately nine months from pandemic emergence to FDA approval in the U.S. This is, by a landslide, a record for one of the fastest development (and approval) of a vaccine, and significantly faster than traditional R&D timelines.