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Enhancing the Post-Pandemic Patient Experience

By Clay Anderson – Healthcare has shifted over the past year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Elective surgeries came to a halt, visitor restrictions were put in place, ‘telehealth’ became a familiar word in the patient’s lexicon, and the world’s view of healthcare and its workers changed.

Exploring the Future of Healthcare IT

By Dan Matthews – Imagine a world in which healthcare is personalized to you based on your unique data and circumstances. Now imagine that the world can be brought into your own home to offer you the kind of healthcare treatments you need, all with the added benefit of artificial intelligence analysis and diagnostic tools.

Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule: What to Know

By Devin Partida – As of May 10, 2020, IT specialists working in health care had to begin investigating how to implement requirements related to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Interoperability and Patient Access final rule. They have until 2022 to get it done, although specific deadlines apply for particular milestones.

Healthcare is Personal: Your Healthcare Benefits Should Be Too.

By Ronnie Brown – Healthcare is leading the way for big innovation in 2021, grounded in artificial intelligence and driven by acceleration and adoption across all sectors of the industry – clinical, pharma, biotech, research, health plan benefits. Technology is changing the way healthcare is received and delivered.