
Mounting Efforts to Delay ICD-10 Go Down Swinging

By Chuck Buck – Despite a significant lobbying effort mounted by a small but very vocal minority within the healthcare industry, the implementation of ICD-10 is expected to proceed without further delay. The failed push marked a third attempt to delay the Oct. 1, 2015 ICD-10 implementation deadline well into 2017.

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Mounting Efforts to Delay ICD-10 Go Down Swinging

By Chuck Buck – Despite a significant lobbying effort mounted by a small but very vocal minority within the healthcare industry, the implementation of ICD-10 is expected to proceed without further delay. The failed push marked a third attempt to delay the Oct. 1, 2015 ICD-10 implementation deadline well into 2017.

New Report Indicates ICD-10 Delay Has Hurt Provider Readiness

The Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI), has released its findings from a August 2014 ICD-10 Industry Readiness Survey. WEDI has been conducting ICD-10 readiness surveys since 2009. The surveys measure industry progress and help identify where providers may be struggling with compliance.

Health IT Through the Movies

Day 8 of our 12 Days of Christmas Posts we look to Hollywood for inspiration as we continue to milk some of the year’s biggest health IT stories of 2014, including the continued battle over Stage 2 reporting period and the looming ICD-10 transition.

The Greater Good and ICD-10

By Rosann M. O’Dell – In May of 1990, the 43rd World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization endorsed the International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision (ICD-10) and recommended it for international use.

A Gaggle of Health IT Reports

On the 6th Day of our 12 Days of Christmas Posts, we turn our attention to a gaggle of reports that made health IT news in the latter part of the year. Three of the reports listed are from the ONC, focusing on the current and future landscape of health IT technology.

ICD-10 Resources and Updates for Transitioning

The Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI) is partnering with CMS and other public and private organizations to develop the ICD-10 Implementation Success Initiative. The first phase of the Initiative, a searchable database of ICD-10 issues.

Coalition for ICD-10 Responds to AMA

In his recent speech to the AMA House of Delegates, AMA president Dr. Robert Wah characterized the planned implementation of ICD-10 as analogous to the dark forces controlling the galaxy in the movie Star Wars: “If it was a droid, ICD-10 would serve Darth Vader… For more than a decade, the AMA kept ICD-10 at bay – and we want to freeze it in carbonite!”