
Healthcare NOW Radio Studio at HIMSS25

Healthcare NOW Radio will be at HIMSS25 in booth 6832 Venetian L2. Stop by to see and hear these radio hosts and their guests Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. See you in Vegas!

Who’s Going to Civitas?

Meet the industry leaders that are heading to Detroit for the Civitas Annual Conference starting October 15. I will be there and I hope to see you there.

HLTH 2023 News Roundup

News and announcements at HLTH 2023 from PeriGen, Rimidi, InterSystems, NuraLogix, Withings Health Solutions, Validic,, NextGen Healthcare, Sutter Health, Tausight, FluidAI Medical, b.well Connected Health, Jasper Health, Samsung Health, Wolters Kluwer Health, and more.

Who is Going to Civitas 2023?

Civitas 2023 coming up on August 20th. This annual event will bring the top players in healthcare interoperability together to discuss and showcase the leading issues and solutions to our ongoing quest for secure and available health data exchange. See you at the Gaylord!