Jim Tate

Celebrating Our Radio Shows with Over 100 Episodes

Healthcare NOW Radio is constantly evolving and new radio shows and podcasts join our family quite often. Some stay for a brief time while others are in it for the long haul. This week we look at the radio shows that have been with us from early on and continue to take the journey along with us.

MIPS: Every Picture Tell a Story

By Jim Tate – CMS established MIPS to link physician reimbursement to quality and cost-effective care. The current 2024 Medicare reimbursement adjustments are based on the 2022 performance year scores (0-100) for eligible clinicians. The program is budget neutral and the potential range of adjustments range from -9% to +9%.

Tate Connects with Susan Clark

NOW on demand, The Tate Chronicles with host Jim Tate and guest Susan Clark, Senior Director of Program Development at DirectTrust discussing trust. The how, why, and what of trusting in health information technology.

2024 National Skilled Nursing Care Week

National Skilled Nursing Care Week takes place from May 12 to May 18, 2024. The annual, national observance celebrates the essential role that skilled nursing care centers play in providing safe and effective 24-hour nursing care to millions of individuals each year.