Jim Tate

Friday at Five – Our Telehealth Month Recap

Telehealth is the use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support and promote long-distance clinical health care, patient and professional health-related education, public health and health administration. This week’s Friday at Five recaps our month long concentration on telehealth.

Telehealth: The Wild West

Jim Tate – In the early days of EHR adoption providers found it almost impossible to decide which system to purchase. There were no standards regarding the functionality that should be included. It was the Wild West and without a consensus definition of what made up a “Complete EHR” providers were in a sea of confusion and disappointment.

MACRA – MIPS: The First Cut is the Lightest

By Jim Tate – Some folks prefer Rod Stewart’s cover of the song The First Cut is the Deepest but I have to admit I favor the rendition by Cat Stevens. No matter your preference, I’m pretty sure neither one of them was singing about the MACRA – MIPS program.