Matthew Fisher

Power in Data: Value Against Privacy

By Matt Fisher – Data are the new currency. That saying has become entrenched as a primary cliche describing the way of the world nowadays. The value of data has become especially true in healthcare. So many see opportunities to be extracted, but what about considerations of privacy and the impact on individuals?

New Loop: Data Breach to Lawsuit

By Matt Fisher – A recurring pattern has developed when it comes to data breaches. The first part of the pattern is that healthcare is under constant cyber attacks that challenge security measures while aiming to get access to private and sensitive information within the systems.

A Few Year End Reminders

By Matt Fisher – The clock is ticking down to the end of 2021, which from many perspectives is a year to forget. While attention may begin shifting to the new year, that is not a reason to skip too far ahead and stay in the present. If attention is diverted from the day to day too much, then risk will rise and a complication could occur.