Matthew Fisher

A Year of Uncertainty: Healthcare in Flux

By Matt Fisher – Healthcare experienced a large degree of uncertainty and fluctuation in 2017. Almost no day passed without news of action or activity impacting the industry. All of the back and forth left healthcare buffeted and ready for a rest. Unfortunately, that rest is unlikely to come in 2018.

Relief from HIPAA: When, If Ever, Is It Necessary

By Matt Fisher – The seemingly non-stop move from one natural disaster or health emergency to another places a significant strain on the healthcare system. Providers either cannot reach a facility, whether hospital or otherwise, or patients overwhelm a particular facility.

The Great Digital Hope or Just Hype

By Matt Fisher – Healthcare has become the proverbial shiny object to many technology companies, both within and without of Silicon Valley. The technology companies seem to view healthcare as a great, untapped wilderness that is flush with potential profits.