Matthew Fisher

Relief from HIPAA: When, If Ever, Is It Necessary

By Matt Fisher – The seemingly non-stop move from one natural disaster or health emergency to another places a significant strain on the healthcare system. Providers either cannot reach a facility, whether hospital or otherwise, or patients overwhelm a particular facility.

The Great Digital Hope or Just Hype

By Matt Fisher – Healthcare has become the proverbial shiny object to many technology companies, both within and without of Silicon Valley. The technology companies seem to view healthcare as a great, untapped wilderness that is flush with potential profits.

Copy & Paste: Is It Fraud or Not?

By Matt Fisher – Electronic medical records require a lot of interaction on the part of physicians and other providers to get all necessary information entered. There are drop down menus, boxes to check, and other information to fill in.

Rocket Pace, But To Where?

By Matt Fisher – Not a day goes by (or many posts on The Pulse Blog) without a discussion of the rapid increase in data breaches impacting the healthcare industry. Information and statistics in this regard are inescapable.