Mayo Clinic

Drop the Mic at HIMSS21

With the help of some of our radio hosts Dr. Nick, Jim Tate, Justin Barnes, Fred Goldstein and Gregg Masters, we set up a HealthcareNOW Radio studio at HIMSS21 in Las Vegas. Don’t miss all the great guests we talked to.

Vaccine Credentials Done Right

By John Halamka MD – Vaccine credentials could be a safe and convenient way for people to resume a more normal daily life, but it’s critical that we do it in the right way. Public and private sector collaboration is essential, and we must be driven by science.

Telemedicine 2021

We are seeking out the latest developments around Telemedicine. How is telemedicine used to benefit patients and care givers? News from Mayo Clinic, Mozzaz, Greenway Health, ATA, Noteworth, Healthwise, Hippo Technologies, Amwell, Teladoc Health, Zipnosis and more.

COVID-19 Report

We’ve rounded up some of the latest news and announcements pertaining to the coronavirus and the healthcare industry.

COVID-19 Report

We’ve rounded up some of the latest news and announcements pertaining to the coronavirus and the healthcare industry.

Sorting out AI, ML, DL, and NLP

This is our ongoing reporting on how AI is being integrated into healthcare technology. We are seeking out the thought leaders and innovations that are moving the needle forward which include Current Health, Mayo Clinic, SRI Ventures, MDmetrix, Anesthesia Business Consultants, Nuritas, Siris Medical, Lumiata, & Sema4.