Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage Poised for Growth – Unfazed by Market Shifts and Critic Concerns

By Cynthia Henry – As the healthcare industry adapts to economic and regulatory changes, Medicare Advantage stands out as a cost-effective model consistently delivering value to beneficiaries. Compared to traditional fee-for-service Medicare, MA excels in financial efficiency and quality outcomes, making it a resilient choice for enrollees and a strategic asset for payers.

Medicare Advantage Is a Burst Pipe

By David R. Burda – The money flowing from Medicare into Medicare Advantage is like water gushing out of a frozen pipe. Here are the latest numbers from CMS, which released its annual national health expenditure figures on Dec. 13, 2023.

Payer Provider Data Sharing – A New World?

By Don Rucker, MD – Providers sharing data with payers has been anxiety-provoking and is often only as part of rework for appeals of denials of payment or prior authorization. Obviously, providers have been concerned that any data they give to payers would be used to lower their revenues from that payer.

Medicare Advantage Bait and Switch

By David Burda – I have one quid pro quo in my life: I won’t tell you what to do if you don’t tell me what to do. The only exception is anything really stupid that could kill me or you or both of us at the same time. That’s why, 19 months from now, when I turn 65, I’m going to sign up for traditional Medicare.

Monday Morning Rounds with CMS

In case you missed it, this is recent communication from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Subscribe to their email lists to keep up to date on all press and news releases.